Hello Great Plains Optimist Members:
I am very honored and excited to serve Optimist International and you as the Vice President of the Great Plains Region for the 2024-2025 Optimist year.
The six Optimist Districts that represent the Great Plains Region: Southern Wisconsin-SWIS (9), Nebraska (10), Alberta, Montana, Saskatchewan, & Northern Wyoming-A, M, S, & NW (13), Wisconsin North-Upper Michigan-WINUM (23), Dakotas-Manitoba- Minnesota-DMM (35), and Iowa (40) have elected great and enthusiastic Governors who have notable ideas/goals for leading the Districts into the upcoming year with all of our assistance.
Overall, our Districts are strong and have great leaders who recognize the growth, retention, communication, finance, and marketing needs of our Clubs, Districts and Optimist International. Optimist International President Jan Oord Graves asks us to align our District and Club goals with those of Optimist International. The goals include:
1) Growth/Retention—How can we retain active membership and invite and engage new members in our mission and vision? Does your Optimist Club have plans to hold a C.A.R.E (Celebrate, Address, Recognize, Excel) program this year?
2) Communication—How can we take back our legacy of "Optimism"? We have a great Creed and by being an Optimist we have become better people and leaders! How can we communicate this opportunity to other potential Optimists? Does your Optimist Club have plans to work or continue to work with a local school through the ideas of the OWLS (Optimists Working for Learning Success) program?
3) Finance—Our Districts are strong financially. How can we continue to support our clubs, programs, and Optimist International Foundation?
4) Marketing—What method of marketing are you currently using? How effective is these communication methods? Are there other options to extend your span of influence and communication?
Our Districts and Clubs are strong with active, with engaged members who serve their communities and youth with Optimism, who respect and mentor each other. Optimist International needs all of us to share our "why" we are an Optimists. What brings us joy and excitement with our membership, projects, work, and influences? How has the Optimist Creed changed our perspective and life? How does the Optimistic mindset influence and protect your wellbeing?
I challenge each of us to bring in at least one member this Optimist year and work to retain, engage, and mentor current and new members in the joys and mission of Optimist International.
Please reach out to me if I can be of assistance. Josephine (Jodi) Arriola 2024-2025 Vice President of the Great Plains Region