January 15, 2022
AMSNW Optimist Members
I hope that you had a great holiday season and that you were able to celebrate with family and friends.
As we enter 2022 there is still many uncertainties and restrictions on travel and gatherings that may affect how our clubs operate and serve our communities. We need to continue to adapt our activities to stay safe while still finding ways to serve the youth of our communities.
I am proud and encouraged by the way our clubs have worked to make sure that programs are being maintained and even developing new projects to assist the needs that have come about during this time of uncertainty.
I want to remind you that for any information that is needed, AMSNW has a great Webpage that you can access for information you may need. You can access the webpage using this link: http://amsnwoptimist.weebly.com/ Please make sure you check this out and visit on a regular basis to keep up tp date on District happenings.
You can also contact any of the leadership team or a committee member along with links to the up coming programs and scholarship contests.
There are a couple very important dates coming up. February 3, has been declared International Day of the Optimist. You are encouraged to promote your optimist club on social media channels and wear your optimist clothing and merchandise that day to show your pride of being an optimist. More information can be found on the web page.
The Second quarter board meeting is fast approaching on February 25/26 in Great Falls Montana. Please register as soon as possible for a great weekend of Optimism. Great Plains Vice President Josh Zaidel will be in attendance as the OI representative. It will be a great time and I’m looking forward to seeing as many optimists as possible in Great Falls.
Please be aware that all COVID precautions will be practiced as recommended by local authorities and remind you that you should check cross border travel requirements often as they do change as local and national situations change.
Once again Happy New Year, and I wish you a prosperous year, please stay safe and hope to see you at our upcoming District meetings.
Yours in Optimism
Governor Brent Card
AMSNW Optimist Members
I hope that you had a great holiday season and that you were able to celebrate with family and friends.
As we enter 2022 there is still many uncertainties and restrictions on travel and gatherings that may affect how our clubs operate and serve our communities. We need to continue to adapt our activities to stay safe while still finding ways to serve the youth of our communities.
I am proud and encouraged by the way our clubs have worked to make sure that programs are being maintained and even developing new projects to assist the needs that have come about during this time of uncertainty.
I want to remind you that for any information that is needed, AMSNW has a great Webpage that you can access for information you may need. You can access the webpage using this link: http://amsnwoptimist.weebly.com/ Please make sure you check this out and visit on a regular basis to keep up tp date on District happenings.
You can also contact any of the leadership team or a committee member along with links to the up coming programs and scholarship contests.
There are a couple very important dates coming up. February 3, has been declared International Day of the Optimist. You are encouraged to promote your optimist club on social media channels and wear your optimist clothing and merchandise that day to show your pride of being an optimist. More information can be found on the web page.
The Second quarter board meeting is fast approaching on February 25/26 in Great Falls Montana. Please register as soon as possible for a great weekend of Optimism. Great Plains Vice President Josh Zaidel will be in attendance as the OI representative. It will be a great time and I’m looking forward to seeing as many optimists as possible in Great Falls.
Please be aware that all COVID precautions will be practiced as recommended by local authorities and remind you that you should check cross border travel requirements often as they do change as local and national situations change.
Once again Happy New Year, and I wish you a prosperous year, please stay safe and hope to see you at our upcoming District meetings.
Yours in Optimism
Governor Brent Card