A. Growth Goal – 25% increase in membership
A. Growth Goal – 25% increase in membership
- Each zone to build at least 1 adult club and 1 JOI club
- Form a JOI District
- Share best practice re: membership recruitment and retention
- Include PGI Chair on Growth Team and encourage participation in PGI/PDP
- Appoint a Club Fitness/Services Chair to oversee and monitor membership changes
- Encourage clubs (through LTGs) to implement the C.A.R.E. Program
- Have LTGs trained in Membership Growth, Retention and Continuous Improvement Offer member incentives for recruiting new members and attending conferences
A. Marketing (External) Goal
A. Marketing (External) Goal
- To get district-wide ads in our district directory for extensive marketing
- Each zone to organize an Optimist New Year’s church service on Oct. 6, 2024: Invite the Mayor, MLA to bring greetings, display Optimist Creed, and share Governor’s New Year message
- To get ads from local business places at all of our conferences
- Encourage zone/club N.O.W. meetings and collaborative project/events
- Partner with other service clubs for events and projects
- To ensure an up-to-date members’ email & telephone lists
- To communicate with at least 6 members from each club – all correspondences, not just Presidents, to enhance district-wide communication and information dissemination
- To share a weekly quote/words of inspiration/encouragement with all club members
- To thank and appreciate all chairs, LTGs & presidents (via email/calls) and send birthday cards
Goal Area 3: FINANCE
A. Develop and implement a system to track and encourage payment of Club/OI dues.
A. Develop and implement a system to track and encourage payment of Club/OI dues.
- Work closely with LTGs and Club Services Chair to monitor club dues payments
- Encourage joint zone fundraisers
- Offer incentives (dues payment) to clubs for conference attendance and bringing in new members
- Anyone who achieves Level III of PGI/PDP by Dec. 31 gets a $20 voucher and Special Mention