AMS&NW District Policies
(August 2022) TABLE OF CONTENTS RATIONALE……..……………………………………….....................……..… 3 ARTICLE I: District Purposes........................................................................3 ARTICLE II: District Policies..........................................................................3 ARTICLE III: District Board of Directors.........................................................4 a) General Provision......................................................................................4 b) District Officers and Executive Committee ...............................................4 c) Elections and Terms of Office....................................................................4 d) Duties of the District Officers ....................................................................5 e) Duties of the Executive Committee ..........................................................6 f) Vacancy of District Office ...........................................................................6 g) District Board of Directors Meetings, Notice and Voting ...........................6 h) Installation..................................................................................................7 i) Accounting ..................................................................................................7 j) Minutes .......................................................................................................7 ARTICLE IV: District Committees ..................................................................8 Listing and Candidates Qualification ARTICLE V: District Convention ...................................................................9 a) General Provisions ...................................................................................9 b) Allocation...................................................................................................9 c) Representation .........................................................................................9 d) Duration ....................................................................................................9 e) Program...................................................................................................10 f) Refund......................................................................................................10 g) Convention Rules............................................................................... 10/11 h) Nominations - Governor ..........................................................................12 ARTICLE VI: District Contests......................................................................12 a) Achievement and Awards (A&A) ..............................................................12 b) Scrapbook ........................................................................................... ....13 c) Oratorical ..................................................................................................13 d) Essay ........................................................................................................14 e) Communication Contest for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CCDHH) ......14 ARTCLE VII: District Finances .....................................................................15 a) General Provision......................................................................................15 b) Budget ......................................................................................................15 c) Annual Review...........................................................................................15 d) Depositories and Signatures.....................................................................16 e) Dues .........................................................................................................16 f) Finance Committee ...................................................................................16 g) Convention Budget ...................................................................................16 h) Clubs Not in Good Standing .....................................................................17 i) Reserve Policy…………………………………………………………….........17 j) Travel Expenses ........................................................................................17 1) General Provision and District Compensation ……………………….........17 2) International Convention………………………………………… ….............18 3) Hospitality Room at International Convention…………………….........….19 k) Standard Financial Statements ................................................................19 ARTICLE VIII: Administration ........................................................................19 a) International President Visit ......................................................................19 b) International Rep Visit……………………………………………...…............19 c) Insignia.......................................................................................................19 d) Bulletin.......................................................................................................20 e) Directory ...................................................................................................20 f) Website…………………………………………………………......…..........…20 g) Conferences..............................................................................................20 h) Flags, Creed and Banners……………………………………..…….....……20 i) Gifts............................................................................................................21 j) Hospitality Rooms .....................................................................................21 k) Governor’s Visitations ………………………………………….….…............21 l) Establishing Zones………………………………………………………..........21 m) Zone Meetings………………………………………………………...…........21 n) Working Language………………………………………………..……...........21 o) Fundraising ……………………………………………………..………..........21 ARTICLE IX: New Clubs a) Charter Presentation…………………………………………......……………22 b) Gifts…………………………………………………………….........………….22 AMS&NW DISTRICT POLICIES (Aug 2022) All AMS&NW District Policies are in accordance with Optimist International Bylaws Any reference to “he or his” shall be considered “he/she or his/hers” Mandatory Optimist International wording in Bold RATIONALE (Aug 2013) Board Policy ID-13, Paragraph 5 states: As part of the fiscal duties and responsibilities of District administration, each District shall adopt a set of District Policies at the District’s annual convention, or at a specially called convention. All District Policies shall follow the Optimist International model district policies, and shall be delivered to the Executive Director of Optimist International in hard copy or electronically within 30 days following adoption by the District. After approval by Optimist International, a District should review its District Policies at least annually. If the District amends the District Policies, the amended policies shall be forwarded to Optimist International within 30 days following the amendment, with all changes highlighted. No policy adopted by a District shall be in conflict of the International Bylaws, or the operating policies of Optimist International. ARTICLE I: DISTRICT PURPOSE GENERAL (October 2007) The sole purpose of the District shall be to function as an administrative division of Optimist International in furtherance of the purposes of Optimist International, the Bylaws, and Policies as established by the International Board of Directors. The District shall provide service and support to Clubs for the purpose of enhancing growth, participation, administration and youth service. All Clubs located within the territorial boundaries of a District shall be members of the District, except as requested by the Club or Clubs involved, and in concurrence with the District or Districts involved and the Optimist International Board of Directors. NEW CLUB BUILDING POLICIES (Aug 2018) The District will promote the building of New Clubs in accordance with the Bylaws, Policies, and Guidelines developed by the International Board of Directors. ARTICLE II: DISTRICT POLICIES DISTRICT POLICIES (Aug 2018) The District shall adopt a set of operating policies authorized by the International Board of Directors, which will cover the items necessary to administer the District. These policies shall be adopted by the District Board of Directors at the Annual Convention or a specially called convention. These policies shall be reviewed annually by the District Executive Committee and revised as necessary. All revisions in policies shall be approved by the District Board of Directors. District Policies – Distribution (Aug 2013) The District Governor or Secretary-Treasurer shall provide Optimist International and each member of the District Board of Directors with a copy of all District Policies at the beginning of the Optimist year. Policies shall be available electronically on our website or by hard copy on request. ARTICLE III: DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS a) GENERAL PROVISIONS (Aug 2018) The business of the District shall be administered by a District Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers of the District; the Governor, the Governor-Elect (or Designate as appropriately titled), the two most Immediate and available Past Governors, the Lieutenant Governors, the District Secretary-Treasurer, and the President of each Club. Should the President of a member Club be unable to attend, a delegate from that Club would be allowed to speak and act as the President, in the conduct of the business coming before the Board of Directors. The JOI Governor shall serve as a non-voting member on the District Board of Directors. b) DISTRICT OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Aug 2018) The District Officers shall be the Governor, Governor-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer, and the following officers: Lieutenant Governors and the two most immediate and available Past Governors. The Executive Committee shall consist of the District Officers, the two most Immediate and available Past Governors, and the JOI Governor as a non-voting member. (Aug 2018) A District may delegate, subject to the limitations imposed by these Bylaws, the powers of the District Board of Directors to the District Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall consist of the District officers and the two most Immediate and available Past Governors. The JOI Governor shall serve as a nonvoting member on the District Executive Committee. (Aug 2018) c) ELECTIONS AND TERMS OF OFFICE (Aug 22) Friends of Optimist shall be ineligible to serve as an officer of an Optimist Club and/or on the Club Board of Directors or in any District capacity. No one shall be eligible for election or hold a District office unless: He is duly enrolled on the International roster as a member of a Club in good standing in Optimist International; and for the office of Governor or Governor-Elect, they should have served all of a term of Club President. The Governor-Elect shall be elected at the annual or a special duly called convention by a majority vote of the accredited delegates present and voting at the time of the election. The Governor-Elect shall not serve in any other elective office in the same year he is Governor-Elect. The Governor- Elect shall automatically become Governor on 1 October of the year following the year in which he was elected Governor-Elect. Following the District convention, the Governor-Elect shall be known as the Governor-Designate. The District Secretary-Treasurer shall be appointed for a term of one year by the Governor- Elect. The appointment of the Secretary-Treasurer Designate shall be confirmed at the Third Quarter Board meeting by the District’s Board of Directors, and shall take office 1 October next following confirmation. A District Secretary-Treasurer, District Secretary, District Treasurer, or any combination thereof, shall not serve more than three consecutive years. The term of office for Secretary-Treasurer shall be one year. The confirmation of the Secretary Treasurer conveys the rights of a board member to the Secretary Treasurer. The Lieutenant Governor shall be elected at a Zone or specially called meeting prior to the 3ʳᵈ Quarter District Conference by the clubs in his/her zone. The term of Office shall be one year. The Lieutenant Governor Elect for each zone shall be ratified at the 3ʳᵈ Quarter District Conference to allow time for proper training. Should any Zone not have a candidate for Lieutenant Governor by the 3ʳᵈ Quarter District Conference, the Governor Elect may appoint a Lieutenant Governor. d) DUTIES OF THE DISTRICT OFFICERS (Aug 22) Governor - Under the general supervision of the International Board of Directors, it shall be the duty of the Governor to further the mission and purposes of Optimist International and promote the interest and coordinate the work of member Clubs within the District. The Governor shall function as the Chief Executive Officer of the District, preside at all meetings of the District Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and the Annual Convention of the District. The Governor shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, and exercise general supervision over affairs of the District subject only to the Board of Directors, the delegates to the annual District Convention, and the Board of Directors of Optimist International. The Governor shall at all times act on behalf of Optimist International in all relations with member Clubs within the District. The Governor shall also attend the annual convention of Optimist International and any special meetings or conferences conducted by Optimist International for Governors. District Governor-Elect - The District Governor-Elect will be responsible for promotion and planning of training at the District Convention for Presidents-Elect and Lieutenant Governors-Elect, with the assistance of the Leadership Development Committee, utilizing the Optimist International Faculty Guide. District Secretary-Treasurer - It shall be the duty of the District Secretary-Treasurer to: (i) attend all meetings of the District Board of Directors, the District Executive Committee and the annual District Convention, and to act as Secretary thereof, (ii) keep true and correct minutes of such meetings and transmit a copy to the International Office and to others so designated by the District Board, within 30 days after the close of any such meeting, (iii) receive and deposit all moneys due the District. (iv) disburse moneys within the limitations of the District budget or by specific instructions of the District Board, the District Executive Committee, or the accredited delegates at the District convention, (v) keep an accurate and complete record of all financial transactions and submit financial statements and records required by the District Board of Directors and as set forth in the Bylaws & Policies of Optimist International, (vi) keep books of account open at all times to the District and International Board of Directors, with such books to be subject to annual review as of 30 September of each year, (vii) shall issue and cause to be delivered to each member Club in the District an official call for the annual convention at least 30 days prior to the date thereof, in which notice the time and place of the holding of said Annual Convention shall be set forth, (viii) shall issue and cause to be delivered to each member Club in the District, at least 20 days prior to the date of said special convention a written notice of the time and place of the holding of same together with a general statement of the proposed business to be transacted, (ix) issue and deliver notice of all meetings of the members of the Board of Directors at least 30 days prior to said meetings, and (x) perform such duties as prescribed in these policies. A Secretary and/or Treasurer shall, at the end of his or her term of office, deliver all District records to the incoming Secretary and/or Treasurer. Lieutenant Governor - Each Lieutenant Governor shall function as a representative of Optimist International and the Governor in his assigned Zone, and contribute to the attainment of all objectives of the District and Optimist International. Each Lieutenant Governor should make at least two visitations to each Club in his Zone during the administrative year. The Lieutenant Governor must visit each newly affiliated Club in his Zone within 90 days following its official organization. The Lieutenant Governor shall make the prescribed report of each visitation within 30 days. Each Lieutenant Governor should conduct meetings in the Zone as often as needed and necessary, not conflicting with any District meeting. Notice shall be given to the Zone Club Presidents and Club Secretary-Treasurers at least 15 days prior to such meeting. The Lieutenant Governor shall make the prescribed report of each meeting within 30 days. e) DUTIES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (October 2007) The Executive Committee is authorized to make purchases and pay expenses, travel allowances, reimbursements and obligations as provided by and within the limitations of the budget, make plans and establish policy furthering the objectives of the District, and exercise general control over plans, budget and program of the District convention. f) VACANCY OF DISTRICT OFFICE (October 2007) For good cause or upon death, resignation or incapacitation of any elected or appointed officers or any officer-designate of a District, or in the event of the failure of any officer to carry out the duties of his office, the incumbent District Executive Committee may declare said office vacant and shall select a successor to fill the remainder of his term. Should the Immediate Past Governor(s) be unable to serve as members of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, the next Immediate Past Governor shall automatically become a member of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors in his place and stead. The foregoing shall apply to any individual who has been elected or appointed to office but for any reason does not assume or carry out the duties of his office. g) DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS, NOTICE AND VOTING (Aug 22) The Governor may call a meeting of the Board of Directors each quarter, or at such time and place as he may determine with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee. Notices of all meetings of the Board of Directors shall be issued and caused to be delivered to all members of the Board of Directors by the District Secretary-Treasurer at least 30 days prior to said meetings. A quorum of any District meeting shall be established by the District Board of Directors and stated in the District’s policies. A majority of the District Officers plus any Club Presidents (or representatives) in attendance shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and a majority of those present and voting shall be necessary to give effect to any action of the Board. Most recent financial statements and minutes will be distributed two weeks in advance of any District meeting. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by a majority of its members or at the call of the Governor. Voting – The District Board of Directors shall vote on any motion presented at the Three Quarterly Board meetings and the District Convention, normally with a simple hand vote. Those eligible to vote are: Governor, District Secretary Treasurer, Immediate Past Governor, Past Governor (who sits on the Executive Board), Lieutenant Governors, Club Presidents or Club Designates of clubs in good standing that are in attendance. If the Chair determines that a ballot vote is required, those rules are in the Convention section of these policies. Electronic Voting – in the rare instances that electronic voting is required, the chair shall decide on the method of voting. It may be visually or verbally as in Zoom, via chat as in Zoom (or other platform) or via email (deadline needs to be part of the motion). Appeals of the Chair’s decision are allowed, the rules are in the section on Convention rules. h) DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS INSTALLATION (October 2007) The District Board of Directors shall be officially installed by the Official Representative of Optimist International at or before the First Quarter Board meeting. i) DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTOR MEETINGS (Account 130 & 360) (Aug 2013) Pursuant to the Optimist International Bylaws, the District Board of Directors shall meet quarterly at such time and place as may be determined by the District Board of Directors except that, at the District Board’s discretion, the meeting in the second quarter may be waived if all Zones hold Zone meetings in that quarter. The First Quarter Board meeting shall be held no later than November 30, the Third Quarter meeting shall be held in the month of April or May, the Fourth Quarter Board meeting shall be held in conjunction with the Annual District Convention. (October 2007) Notice of all meetings of the District Board of Directors shall be sent by the District Secretary-Treasurer to all members of the board of directors and Past Governors, with an agenda prepared by the Governor and District Secretary, at least Thirty (30) days prior to the said meeting. Board meetings shall be budgeted and conducted under Accounts 130 & 360 and operated on a break even basis. (Aug 2013) The incumbent District Governor and District Secretary-Treasurer shall be provided with complimentary registrations and hotel/motel accommodations of suitable character for themselves and their companion. The Official Optimist International Representative and his/her companion, at the appropriate Board meeting, shall also be provided with complimentary registrations and hotel/motel accommodations. The costs to these complimentary services shall be anticipated in the Board meeting budget. (October 2007) j) MINUTES OF MEETINGS (October 2007) It shall be the responsibility of the District Secretary-Treasurer to keep and correct minutes of all meetings of the District Executive Committee, the District Board of Directors, and the annual District c Convention, and to provide a copy of such minutes to members of the District Board of Directors, Optimist International, and such others as the Board of Directors may indicate, not later than thirty (30) days after adjournment of each such meeting or convention. ARTICLE IV: DISTRICT COMMITTEES The District Board of Directors shall establish in its District policies, such committees as it deems appropriate to carry out the administration of the District. The Governor-Designate shall appoint the chairmen and the required number of members of all committees, and shall announce such appointments not later than 1 October of his administrative year (Aug 2013) The following committees are currently established and may be changed or combined under one chair from time to time by the District Executive Committee as required to suit the needs of the District.Committee information must be listed in the current District Directory and such listing shall be considered in compliance with Optimist International. (October 2007) Finance, New Club Building, Membership, Leadership Development, Activities, Bulletin, Candidate Qualifications (Past Governor), Childhood Cancer Campaign, Essay, Oratorical, CCDHH, Convention, Junior Golf, Supply, Juvenile Curling, PGI, Webmaster, JOOI Clubs, International Ambassador (Immediate Past Governor), Convention Sites and District Foundation Rep. The responsibilities of each committee are established in other documentation. (Aug 2013) The Candidate Qualifications Committee shall be comprised of the Past Governor (as Chair, from the Board), and a member at large in each Saskatchewan, Alberta and Montana/Northern Wyoming. The Governor shall appoint the committee at the District Convention. The members at large shall be appointed for a 3 year term with 1 member replaced each year on a rotating basis. The at large members shall be a non funded position. The mandate of the committee will be to track and recommend candidates for the positions of Lieutenant Governor, Governor-elect, or Committee Chair (in the case of a potential Governor Elect in the future). The committee shall actively participate in or conduct a leadership workshop at least annually. (Aug 2019) ARTICLE V: DISTRICT CONVENTION a) GENERAL PROVISIONS (Aug 22) A convention of the Clubs in each District shall be held between August 1 and September 30 on such dates and at such location as shall be determined by the District Board of Directors. The convention city shall be determined by a vote of the accredited delegates at the District convention for as many years in advance not exceeding five years as may be deemed necessary. The District Board of Directors shall have power to substitute another city in the event circumstances later make such action necessary or advisable. The District Secretary-Treasurer shall issue and cause to be delivered to each member Club in the District an official call for the annual convention at least 30 days prior to the date thereof, in which notice the time and place of the holding of said annual convention shall be set forth. In the event of an emergency, with the approval of the International Board of Directors and the District Board of Directors, a District may hold a special District convention at any time or place. The District Secretary-Treasurer shall issue and cause to be delivered to each member Club in the District, at least 20 days prior to the date of said special convention a written notice of the time and place of the holding of same together with a general statement of the proposed business to be transacted. The method and means of voting at convention shall be established by the District Board of Directors. Convention rules shall be adopted by a majority vote during the first business session of each convention; but may be suspended, rescinded or amended after their adoption by a two-thirds vote. A quorum of any District convention shall be established by these District Policies. The following business shall be conducted at every District Convention: Election of Governor, any changes to the District dues amount, approval of the District Policy changes (if any) and the selection of next convention site. The District administration may provide all member Clubs with an opportunity to bid for conduct of conventions in their respective locations. Such bids or invitations should be submitted to the Convention Sites Committee not later than 30 days prior to the convention at which the selections(s) shall be made. Most recent financial statements and minutes will be distributed two weeks in advance of any District meeting. b) Convention Allocation from District (October 2007) The District may, upon written request, lend One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) from District funds to the Convention Committee for preliminary organization and expense. c) Conventions – District / International Representatives (Aug 2013) The incumbent Governor, Secretary-Treasurer, Governor Designate and Secretary-Treasurer Designate as well as the official Optimist International Representative and their companions shall receive complimentary registrations and shall also be provided with complimentary hotel/motel lodging of suitable character for themselves and such cost shall be anticipated in the convention budget. d) Convention and Duration (October 2007) The annual District Convention shall be a two (2) day event, beginning Friday morning and ending Saturday, exclusive of social, recreational or other extra-curricular activities. e) Convention Program (October 2007) The District Convention Committee shall prepare, through consultation with the Governor and Governor- Elect, the schedule of convention events and meetings not less than ninety (90) days prior to the convention. The Governor, through consultation with the Governor-Elect, shall prepare the agenda and/or curriculum for all convention business sessions, leadership development events, forums and meal services. The convention schedule and program shall be distributed to all District Officers and Chairs, Club Presidents and Club Secretary-Treasurers not less than thirty (30) days prior to the Convention. The Convention schedule shall include, as a minimum, the following events: 1) a business session necessary to accomplish the business of the convention. 2) All leadership development training for Clubs, and District Officers as prescribed by Optimist International. 3) a meal service event to provide the Official International Representative with an opportunity to address assembled delegates and companions. 4) a recognition banquet featuring the installation of the New District Officers. f) Convention Registration Refunds (October 2007) All requests for refunds of prepaid convention registrations must be made by the pre-registered individual. Such requests for refunds must be received by the District Convention Chair seventy-two (72) hours prior to the opening business session. No refunds for partial registration will be honored. g) CONVENTION RULES (Aug 22) The method and means of voting at convention shall be established by the District Board of Directors. Convention rules shall be adopted by a majority vote during the first business session of each convention; but may be suspended, rescinded or amended after their adoption by a two-thirds vote. A quorum of any District convention shall be established by the District Board of Directors and stated in these policies. See Article III g) 1) The convention shall be composed of registered Optimist delegates. 2) To be accredited by the credentials committee and eligible to vote on the convention business, delegates must have registered at the convention, paid the registration fee, and produced such credentials as may be required by the Board of Directors. The number of accredited delegates of a Club shall not exceed the voting strength of the Club. 3) ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER shall govern the Convention proceedings in all cases, not governed by the Constitution and Bylaws and these convention rules. 4) Delegates shall register promptly upon arrival and shall attend all sessions of the convention. 5) The Credentials Committee shall report at the first convention session and at each session thereafter or when directed to do so. The report of the Credentials Committee to the convention shall include only those Clubs with properly accredited delegates. The report of the Credentials Committee may be amended by the Committee before or between convention business sessions. 6) A member holding a membership in more than one Club may become an accredited delegate for such Clubs provided he/she has completed registration and paid a registration fee as a delegate from each Club for which he/she intends to vote. 7) Any registered delegate may speak on any issue. To be entitled to the floor, said delegate must rise, address the presiding officer, and give his/her name and Club affiliation. 8) Only accredited delegates may make or second motions. 9) Main motions shall be put in writing when Chair so directs. 10) No motion shall be entertained by the Chair unless seconded, and shall not be open to debate or amendment before the Chair has repeated it. 11) Debate shall be limited to two minutes per speaker with a limit of 5 “pro” and 5 “con” speakers. A registered delegate shall not speak a second time to the same question at the same sitting, if another registered delegate, who has not spoken, thereon rises and asks for the floor. 12) Voting: Clubs shall be entitled to 1 vote for every 10 members or major portion thereof based on the clubs June 30ᵗʰ membership as recorded by Optimist International. (i) Only accredited delegates may vote. (ii) Accredited delegates from each club shall select a chair who shall cast the votes of his/her delegates on any convention business requiring a vote by written ballot or roll call. iii) Clubs with more than one vote may split voting strength. Such clubs may caucus prior to voting to determine how voting strength may be split. (Whole votes only, no half votes shall be permitted). iv) Delegates Chairs unable to verify accreditation and obtain ballots within the hours of registration on the opening day of the convention may do so by presenting themselves to the Credentials Committee during the hour preceding the time the business meeting of any day is called to order. Ballots shall not be distributed during the conduct of business meetings. 13) The vote on any business or question before the convention, except report of the Candidate Qualifications or District Policies Committees, shall be taken immediately following its presentation and debate. 14) In the event a vote by ballot is ordered, balloting shall be conducted in the following manner: i) The meeting shall be recessed for marking and depositing of ballots. ii) The presiding officer shall appoint a committee of tellers and name its Chair. iii) To expedite the balloting process, multiple ballot boxes shall be placed in convenient locations within the meeting room. Tellers shall be stationed at each ballot box. iv) Each delegate chair shall deposit one ballot for his/her club only. v) At the conclusion of the balloting period, tellers shall remove the boxes, count the ballots, and the chair shall report the tabulated results, in writing, to the presiding officer. 15) The vote on the question, once commenced, shall not be interrupted except to ask the Chair to restate the question. 16) A delegate may change his/her vote provided he/she rises and asks for the floor promptly and before the Chair declares the result final. 17) An appeal from a decision of the Chair should be based on a point of order and shall be seconded. The vote thereon shall be put on sustaining the decision from the Chair, not on sustaining the appeal. 18) The Candidate Qualifications Committee shall report its nomination(s) for Governor Elect at the first business session. Following this report, the presiding officer shall call for nominations from the floor. Nominations from the floor shall be limited to a statement including the candidate’s name and Club. There shall not be any nominating speeches for the candidates if only one candidate is nominated. Nominating speeches shall be given on the day of the election. Speeches may be presented by persons approved by the respective candidates. Nominating speeches shall be limited to two (2) for each candidate, one of five (5) minutes duration and one of two (2) minutes duration. 19) If there is only one candidate, the candidate is declared elected by acclamation at the first business session. In the event of multiple candidates, the election shall be conducted during the last business session. 20) These Convention rules shall be adopted automatically, but they may be suspended, rescinded or amended after their adoption by a two-thirds (2/3) vote. h) Governor Nominating Procedures (Aug 2013) The Candidate Qualifications Committee shall seek, qualify and nominate one or more candidates for the office of the Governor (or Governor-Elect) and shall require the following for the consideration and information of the committee: 1) A written presentation of the proposed candidate’s background and qualifications for the office of Governor (or Governor-Elect). 2) A letter from the Club of which the candidate is a member indicating that Club’s support of his/her candidacy. 3) A statement from the proposed candidate’s employer indicating his/her understanding and approval of the proposed candidate’s anticipated commitment to serve one year as Governor-Elect and one year as Governor. If candidate is self-employed, he/she shall submit such letter on his/her own behalf. The Candidate Qualifications Committee shall prepare a brief summary and description of each nominee’s background and qualifications to be mailed to each Club President and Secretary-Treasurer not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the election. ARTICLE VI: DISTRICT CONTESTS a) Achievements and Awards Program (Account 410) (October 2007) The District may budget for, and conduct an annual Achievements and Awards Program which shall be prepared and evaluated by the Chair of the Achievements and Awards with the collaboration of the Governor, Governor-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer and through consultation with their predecessors, and which shall be presented to the District Board of Directors for final approval at the first quarter meeting. It shall be the responsibility of the District Administration to promote and encourage participation in both District and International Achievements and Awards Programs. The District Achievements and Awards Program competition shall be conducted based on Club size at the beginning of the administrative year as follows: Clubs of over 50 members A Clubs of 31 to 50 members B Clubs of 16 to 30 members C Club of under 15 members D Pursuant to the Achievements and Awards Program and policies of Optimist International, the District Administration shall refrain from offering or conducting any awards competitions, personal or Club, for activity or performance embraced by Optimist International’s Achievements and Awards Programs. The District’s Achievement and Awards Programs shall conform to the District Program advocated by the International Board of Directors. District Achievements and Awards – Appeals and Protests (October 2007) Any appeal or protest of the final published standings of Clubs or individuals in the District Achievements and Awards Programs, to be considered, must be in the hands of the District Secretary-Treasurer not later than Thirty (30) days following publication of the standings. The District Executive Committee shall have the power and authority to review and adjudicate any such appeal or protest and its decision shall be final. To be eligible to receive any award or recognition, all financial obligations of the Club to the District shall have been met by the closing day of the administrative year. b) District Scrapbook Competition (Aug 22) The annual Scrapbook Competition will be held at the first quarter District Conference meeting of each year and will include all completed scrapbooks from the preceding year (s) . Competition is divided into four (4) categories based upon the size of the Club. (See A&A club size above) 1) Scrapbooks may include content from the President’s election until September 30ᵗʰ of the administrative year or the annual Awards Presentations, whichever is later. 2) Scrapbooks may only be entered once but may include multiple years. c) District Oratorical Contests (Aug 22) 1) The District shall conduct an Oratorical Contest each year. The District Finals will be held at the time of the Third Quarter District Conference. 2) Pursuant to the policies of Optimist International all phases of the District Contests shall be conducted in strict compliance with the International Contest rules. 3) All zone winners shall advance to the state/provincial contest, known as the District Regional Contest, to determine the winners who will represent that state/province at the District Contest. Zone and District Regional contests are to be conducted under the supervision of, and coordinated by, the District Oratorical Chair, with the responsibility for the actual conduct of Zone and District Regional Contests assigned to the Lieutenant-Governors. The responsibility for running the District Regional contests shall be rotated annually among the Lieutenant-Governors in that region. Transferring Club Winners to other Zones, to ensure that a maximum of 2 Contestants represent each Region of the District is permitted. The Lieutenant-Governors in each District Region, under the direction of the District Oratorical Chair, are responsible to ensure that the District Contest has the proper number of contestants to allow for a contest per Optimist International rules. 4) An entry fee of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per contestant, payable in advance to the Alberta- Montana-Saskatchewan and Northern Wyoming District, shall be paid by all Clubs sponsoring a contestant in the Zone contests. The costs of all transportation, food, and lodging, while at or en route to or from Zone and Regional contests, shall be the responsibility of the sponsoring Clubs. 5) The costs of food and lodging while en route to and from the District Contest shall be the responsibility of the sponsoring Clubs. Clubs sponsoring contestants at the District Oratorical Contest shall be reimbursed for mileage upon request. The District Administration shall cover the cost of one night hotel room per contestant and family for contestants within 500km from the Contest venue and 2 nights over 500km. Meals covered shall be Saturday lunch. Meals covered will be for the contestants and immediate family members (parents and siblings) accompanying. 6) The runners up at the District Regional Contests shall be presented with the official Optimist International trophy designated as District Finalist. The winners of the District Regional Contests shall compete in the District Oratorical contest Finals and shall receive the appropriate District Finalist or District Winner Trophy at that contest. 7) The costs of all District Trophies, Zone certificates and frames, and all authorized receipts and expenditures, shall be budgeted and audited under Accounts 140 and 370. All such items shall be supervised by the District Contest Chair and accountable to the District Secretary-Treasurer who shall make all purchases and expenditures, and record all revenues and expenses. 8) It shall be the responsibility of the District Oratorical Chair to submit the required materials and information on the contest winners to International Office within Thirty (30) days following the contest. The presentation of the official scholarship award provided by Optimist International shall be made by the Governor at the District Convention when possible. 9) At large entries shall be part of a club contest and administered by the club. At large entries will not be accepted directly by the District. Club Contest Entry date will be decided by the clubs participating. d) District Essay Contest (Aug 22) 1) The District shall conduct an Essay Contest each year. The District winners will be announced at the time of the Third Quarter District Conference. 2) Pursuant to the policies of Optimist International, all phases of the District contest shall be conducted in strict compliance with the International contest rules. 3) An entry fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per contestant, payable in advance to the Alberta-Montana- Saskatchewan & Northern Wyoming District, shall be paid by all Clubs sponsoring a contest. 4) The costs of all District trophies, and all authorized receipts and expenditures, shall be budgeted and audited under Accounts 147 and 390). All such items shall be supervised by the District Contest Chair and accountable to the District Secretary-Treasurer who shall make all purchases and expenditures and record all revenues and expenses. 5) It shall be the responsibility of the District Essay Chair to submit the required materials and information on the contest winners to International Office by the required date deadlines. 6) At large entries shall be part of a club contest and administered by the club. At large entries will not be accepted directly by the District. Club Contest Entry date will be decided by the clubs participating but not later than January 31ˢᵗ (current District Entry due date). e) District Communications Contest for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (Aug 2018) 1) The District may hold a Communications Contest of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing at the discretion of the District Board of Directors. 2) The contest shall follow all Optimist rules. 3) Club, Zone or Regional contests may be bypassed, at the discretion of the District Contest Chair, depending on the number of contestants participating in the District Competition. 4) An entry fee of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per contestant, payable in advance to the Alberta- Montana-Saskatchewan & Northern Wyoming District, shall be paid by all clubs sponsoring contestants in the competitions, excluding club level competitions. 5) The District shall supply zone certificates and frames where required and District trophies. 6) The costs of all District trophies, zone certificates and frames where required, and all other authorized receipts and expenditures shall be budgeted and audited under Account 141 and 371. All such items shall be supervised by the District Contest Chair and accountable to the District Secretary-Treasurer who shall make all purchases and expenditures and record all revenues and expenses. 7) The costs of food and lodging while en route to and from the District CCDHH shall be the responsibility of the sponsoring Clubs. Clubs sponsoring contestants at the District CCDHH Contest shall be reimbursed for mileage upon request. The District Administration shall cover the cost of one night hotel room per contestant and family for contestants within 500km from the Contest venue and 2 nights over 500km. Meals covered shall be Saturday lunch. Meals covered will be for the contestants and immediate family members (parents and siblings) accompanying. 8) At large entries shall be part of a club contest and administered by the club. At large entries will not be accepted directly by the District. Club Contest Entry date will be decided by the clubs participating. ARTICLE VII: DISTRICT FINANCES a) GENERAL PROVISIONS (Aug 22) The conduct and administration of District business shall be financed by District dues, payable by Clubs for each of their members enrolled in the office of Optimist International, from convention fees, and as hereinbefore provided from the general fund of Optimist International. The amount of each District’s dues, and dates on which such dues shall be payable, shall be established by the Board of Directors of Optimist International. Districts may reduce or eliminate dues for a college member. A District, by resolution adopted by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast by the accredited delegates to its annual convention, may petition the Board of Directors of Optimist International, in the form and manner prescribed by that Board, for adjustment of the amount of its annual dues. No financial obligation or assessment, of any kind, other than provided in these Bylaws, shall be placed upon or requested of the Clubs or their members by the District. Annual Optimist International dues payable by a newly affiliated Club shall commence as provided in policies established by the OI Board of Directors. Aug 2013) Districts have two years to submit all requirements in order to receive a District allotment for that period, after which time the allotment will be forfeited. The documentation required for the November allotment must be submitted within two years from the end of that period or the allotment will be forfeited. The documentation required for the May allotment must be submitted within two years from the end of that period or the allotment will be forfeited. b) BUDGET (Aug 22) At its first meeting the District Board of Directors shall review, amend and approve the annual budget submitted by the finance committee, ensuring that is done in a manner conforming with the standard District chart of accounts established by the Board of Directors of Optimist International. Such budget shall be submitted to the Board of Directors of Optimist International for final approval. The budget shall include income only from authorized sources for the current fiscal year, any accumulated surplus, and shall not authorize the expenditures of any money in excess of such income and surplus. District conferences and the District convention shall be budgeted on a “break even” basis. (October 2007) See Reserve Policy for clarification on surplus. c) ANNUAL REVIEW (Aug 2018) An annual review of the books of account of each District as of 30 September shall be performed by an independent Certified Public Accountant or a Certified Managerial Accountant, Certified General Accountant, a Chartered Accountant, or a review committee and a report thereon shall be submitted to the District Board of Directors not later than 30 November of each year. The District’s Form 990 will be forwarded to Optimist International. d) DEPOSITORIES AND SIGNATORIES (Aug 2018) The District Board of Directors shall annually determine the official depositories for District funds and designate officers authorized to endorse, execute and sign checks or orders for the payment of money and such shall be Co-signed by two such officers. The co-signers shall not be members of the same family, household and/or business partners. The current administration shall provide the Governor Designate and Secretary Treasurer Designate, prior to or at the District Convention, a signed letter indicating their election and ratification as District Officers in the next Optimist year, to allow them to open bank accounts or change signing authorities as required. The current administration shall also provide the Governor Designate and Secretary Treasurer Designate, at the District Convention, $5000 to cover expenses prior to their Optimist year. e) DISTRICT DUES (Oct 2018) Each club in the District shall pay for each member (Regular and Friend of Optimist) enrolled in the International Office as of December 31, March 31, June 30 and September 30, annual dues of Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) per member, payable October 1, January 1, April 1, and July 1 of each year. Subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of Optimist International and in accordance with the Bylaws thereof, annual dues payable by a newly affiliated Club shall commence on the first day of the third Quarter following that in which such Club is officially organized, such payments to be based on the number of members enrolled in the International Office on that date. College Clubs are subject to a 50% rate of the above dues. f) FINANCE COMMITTEE (Aug. 2018) The Finance Committee shall be composed of the Governor, current Secretary-Treasurer, Governor-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer Designate, the Immediate Past Governor and one other Past Governor who shall be appointed by Governor-Elect. The Governor-Elect and the Secretary-Treasurer Designate in consultation with the incumbent Governor and Secretary-Treasurer shall prepare the budget. The budget will be based on projected dues income based on June 30, membership of the current year. Income from District Conventions and District Conferences are not to be part of the budgeted income. These items on the accountability statement are to be wash items. All budgets shall employ the Standard District Chart of Accounts, accounts numbers, definitions, and required supplements established by Optimist International. The proposed annual budget shall be submitted to the Finance Committee for review and then to the Executive Committee for recommendations to the incoming Board for approval at the first meeting of the administrative year. The Finance Committee shall exercise advisory supervision over all financial transactions, arrange for such financial reports as may be required by the District Board of Directors and Optimist International, arrange for the annual review as of September 30, but completed not later than November 30, and supervise the orderly transfer, before or at the first meeting of the Board of Directors, of all District records and funds from each administration to its successor. The budget may include 100% of funds in excess of a reserve of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) projected to be passed forward from the previous administration on October 1. g) Convention Budget and Finance Report (October 2007) The Convention budget shall be prepared and approved as a supplement to the District administration’s annual consolidated budget and shall be based on statements or receipts and expenditures and audits of previous conventions. The Convention shall and must be budgeted and conducted by the District Administration on a break even or better basis. The statement of convention receipts and disbursements shall be prepared by the Convention Chair, Governor and District Secretary-Treasurer and shall be included in the District’s annual financial statement. h) Clubs Not in Good Standing (Aug 2013) Any Club more than ninety (90) days in arrears for any indebtedness to the District or Optimist International shall be considered not in good standing and may have its’ charter revoked by actionof the International Board of Directors. Optimist International Policy IC-35 revokes a club for 120 days of indebtedness to Optimist International. A District may initiate the revocation procedure when the Governor submits a Charter Revocation Report to Optimist International stating the reasons for the recommendation and the minutes of the District Executive Committee meeting at which the revocation was initiated. i) RESERVE POLICY (Aug 22) The District shall maintain a financial reserve, to be reviewed by the Finance Committee prior to the annual District Convention. Any proposed deviation from the current reserve requires discussion at the Executive Committee and approval of the District Board of Directors at the Convention. The reserve shall be part of the balance sheet for the District but not part of the budget. Any funds in excess of the reserve may be used as part of the District Budget. Current reserve is $10,000 in Canadian dollars and $10,000 in USD. j) TRAVEL EXPENSES (Aug 2013) 1) Travel Expenses – General (Account 200 through 265) (Aug 2019) Authorized individual shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in travel on District Administrative business upon receipt by the District Secretary-Treasurer of a properly completed and signed voucher accompanied by a copy of any required report in writing, such as a visitation report, zone meeting report, or committee chair report. Reimbursements shall be at the rate of ten (10) cents per kilometer, payable in the funds of the country of residence except that no reimbursement shall be made for occasions within the city of the individual residence. All reimbursements shall include an allowance of Forty-five ($45.00) per day for the following events: Executive and Board of Directors meetings ………... two (2) days District Convention …………………... three (3) days Two (2) extra days allowance shall be provided in the event that travel exceeds 800 kilometers one way and provided sufficient funds are available – to be confirmed by Executive Committee in advance of each District Meeting. With respect to the training of the Lieutenant Governors Elect, to be conducted by the Governor Designate and Secretary Treasurer Designate immediately prior to the District Convention, the Governor Designate and the Secretary-Treasurer Designate shall be reimbursed one additional day per diem for the District Convention. Travel Expenses – Committee Chairs (Account 265) (Aug 2013) District Committee Chairs shall be reimbursed for authorized travel expenses incurred in attendance at District Executive Committee and Board of Directors Meetings, when specifically requested by the Governor to present and report. Travel Expenses – Governor (Account 200) (October 2007) The Governor shall be reimbursed for authorized travel expenses when engaged in the execution of the responsibilities of his/her office excluding those occasions reimbursable by Optimist International. Travel Expenses – Governor-Elect (Account 255) (October 2007) The Governor Elect shall be reimbursed for authorized travel expenses incurred in attendance at District Conferences, District Conventions, District Executive Committee and Board of Director Meeting, and such other occasions and events specifically requested by the Governor. Travel Expenses – Lieutenant Governors (Account 210) (October 2007) Lieutenant-Governors shall be reimbursed for authorized travel expenses incurred in the business of the District Administration or Optimist International, incurred in required club visitations, authorized zone meetings, and charter presentations within their respective zones, meeting of the District Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and District Conferences. Travel Expenses – Past Governors (Account 260) (October 2007) The Past Governors serving as members of the District Board of Directors shall be reimbursed for authorized travel expenses incurred in attendance at meetings of the District Executive Committee, Board of Directors and District Convention. Travel Expenses – Secretary-Treasurer (Account 250) (October 2007) The District Secretary-Treasurer shall be reimbursed for authorized travel expenses incurred in the execution of the duties of his/her office, attendance at meetings of the District Board of Directors and Executive Committee, District Conferences and Conventions, and such other occasions and events specifically authorized by the Governor. The immediate Past Secretary-Treasurer shall be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred to attend the First Quarter and Second Board Conferences to give his/her final reports. Travel Expenses – Secretary-Treasurer Designate (Account 250) (October 2007) The Secretary-Treasurer Designate shall be reimbursed for authorized travel expenses incurred to conduct training at the District Convention. Travel Expenses – Lieutenant-Governors Elect (Aug 2013) Lieutenant-Governors Elect shall receive a per diem allowance for the four (4) days in attendance at the District Convention. Lieutenant-Governors Elect must be registered for the District Convention and attend all training sessions at the convention designated for Lieutenant-Governors Elect. 2) International Convention (Aug 2013) The Governor, Governor-Designate, Secretary-Treasurer and Secretary-Treasurer Designate shall receive an amount, to be budgeted annually (Accounts 500, 550, 555 and 560) towards the expenses of attendance at the International Convention excluding those expenses reimbursable by Optimist International. To qualify for this amount, each must attend and be registered at the full convention and show evidence thereof when submitting his/her expense voucher. Each Lieutenant-Governor Elect and the Chairs Elect, specifically requested by the Governor Elect to attend, who attends the full International Convention shall participate equally in the distribution of available funds budgeted annually for the purpose of financial assistance to those Lieutenant-Governors Elect and Chairs Elect who attend and are registered for the full convention, except that no Lieutenant- Governor Elect or Chair Elect shall receive an amount in excess of one-fourth (1/4) of the amount scheduled in the budget. (Account 510). 3) Hospitality Room at International Convention (Account 560) (October 2007) The District Administration may maintain a District Headquarters or hospitality room at International Conventions, the rentals of which, only, shall be budgeted and chargeable to Account 560 of the Standard District Chart of Accounts. k) STANDARD FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Aug 2019) The financial statements presented to the District shall be in the standard format outlined in Appendix A. ARTICLE VIII: ADMINISTRATION (October 2007) a) International President Visitations (October 2007) The Governor shall invite the International President to visit the district and shall provide Optimist International with preferred, alternate locations and dates for such visitations, which may enhance but shall not conflict with any other district date or event. All plans and arrangements for the International President’s visits shall be under the direct supervision of the Governor and District Administration including the provision of complimentary accommodations, customary courtesies, and suitable gift or memento of the occasion. The event shall be budgeted for under Accounts 130 and 360, and shall be operated on a break-even basis. All Clubs in the District shall be invited, at least Thirty (30) days in advance, to send representatives to the event. The Governor and his/her companion, or Past International or District Officer and his/her companion, shall be designated as official host to the International President and his/her companion. b) International Representatives to District Meetings (October 2007) In keeping with the policy of Optimist International to provide an official International Representative to the District Board meetings and District Conferences held in the First Quarter of each year, and to the annual District Convention, the Governor shall issue an invitation, at his/her earliest convenience, to such individual as soon as his/her identity is established. Courtesies traditionally provided to the International President, including complimentary accommodations and registration, shall also be provided to such official International Representatives. c) District Officers Insignia (Account 400) (Aug 2013) The District Administration shall provide official lapel insignia for all District Officers to be presented at the District Convention immediately preceding the administrative year. The District shall also purchase and present Past Officers insignia and commemoratives to the retiring Governor, Secretary Treasurer, and Lieutenant Governors at the District Convention. The recipients and identification of insignia shall be as follows: a) Governor’s insignia with a diamond. b) Past Governor’s insignia with a diamond and Past Governor’s plaque. c) Governor-elect’ insignia. d) Lieutenant Governor’s insignia. e) Past Lieutenant Governor’s insignia and plaque. f) Secretary-Treasurer’s insignia. g) Past Secretary-Treasurer’s insignia and plaque. h) A suitable memento, not to exceed $100.00 in value, to the Past Governor completing his/her term on the Executive Committee. d) District Bulletin (Aug 2013) The District Administration may publish a District Bulletin at least quarterly under the direction of the Governor and edited by the District Bulletin Editor (or District Publicity Chair) appointed by the Governor. Costs, publication frequency and distribution shall be established by the District Administration from year to year according to the budgetary provisions and available funds. At minimum, the bulletin shall be published and distributed to all District Officers, District Committee Personnel, Club Presidents, Club Secretaries or Secretary-Treasurers, the International Office and Officers and all Past District Governors. e) District Directory (Aug 2013) The District Administration shall publish, at its earliest possible date after the beginning of the administrative year, a District directory. The directory shall contain the names, addresses and phone numbers of all District Officers, District Committee Chairs, Club Presidents, Club Secretary-Treasurers, meeting dates and locations, Past Governors and Optimist International Officers. When feasible and practical, the directory shall include the dates and locations of all district meetings, conferences and conventions of the administrative year. The directory shall be distributed to the District Officers, District Committee Chairs, Club Presidents, Club Secretary-Treasurers and available to other members at a nominal cost to be determined by the Governor and/or DST. The directory shall be available on our website as well. f) District Website (November 2020) The District may publish directory information on the District website. Such information shall be password protected and its use is restricted to Optimist International business by authorized representatives of Optimist International. Directory information will not be shared with any party outside of Optimist International. The District shall maintain and regularly update a website with the pertinent information required to maintain the District. At the minimum, it shall list the dates, locations and registration information of all District meetings, a listing of the District Officers and Committee Chairs, contact information for Clubs and Club Officers, and a link to Optimist International website for information and training. g) District Conferences (Account 130 & 360) (October 2007) District Conferences shall be planned and conducted by the District Administration, at the time and place of, and immediately following quarterly meetings of the District Board of Directors in first, second and third quarter. Such conferences shall invite and encourage attendance of Club officers and Committee Chairs, District Officers and District Committee Personnel, and such others as may benefit from the conduct of such conferences. The program for such conferences may include the introduction and promotion of club and district goals and objectives, buzz sessions, forums, round tables, leadership development events and programs. All such conferences shall and must be budgeted and conducted by the District Administration on a break even or better basis. The District Administration may collect fees for any meal service and gratuities provided at such conferences. Notice of such conferences and programs shall accompany the notice of District Board of Directors meetings. h) Flags, Creed and Banners (October 2007) It shall be the Policy of this District to display the appropriate National flags, the District banner (District Awards Banners), the Optimist Creed banner and the District bell in the room in which all District Board meetings and District Conventions are conducted, with no fear of piracy. All clubs are encouraged to display their club banners with no fear of piracy. i) Gifts and Mementos (Aug 2013) It shall be the Policy of this District to present an appropriate gift or memento to: a) the Governor at each District Conference and the District Convention (not to exceed $100.00 in value). b) the visiting International Vice President (not to exceed $120.00 in value). c) the visiting International Representative (not to exceed $110.00 in value). d) the visiting International President (not to exceed $150.00 in value). The Chair of each respective function committee shall be responsible for the selection and presentation of said gifts or mementos. The costs of such gifts or mementos should be covered in the budget for said meeting. j) Hospitality Rooms (October 2007) All hospitality rooms, or other accommodation serving a like purpose, shall be closed during District Conference meetings or District Convention sessions, training events, and host operated social events. k) Governor’s Visitations (October 2007) The Governor shall not be required or expected to visit every club in the District. The Governor’s club visitations shall be limited, at his/her discretion, to charter presentation of new clubs, zone meetings, and such special events as may be conducted by clubs and to which he/she has been invited. In view of the demand upon his/her time and administrative responsibilities, the Governor may delegate or appoint a person to appear on his/her behalf to attend such occasions. l) Establishment of Zones (October 2007) Pursuant to the International Bylaws, the number and boundaries of zones, for any administrative year, if subject to revisions, shall be determined by the Board of Directors at the second quarter meeting of the preceding year to accommodate the selection of Lieutenant Governors to serve during the next administrative year. All proposals for the realignment of zone boundaries shall be submitted to the Governor not less than thirty (30) days prior to said meeting. No zone shall be created with less than three (3) or more than twelve (12) clubs. New clubs shall automatically be assigned to the zone in which their sponsor club is in for the first administrative year of existence and may be reassigned to the zone in which they are geographically located and services thereto shall be the responsibility f the Lieutenant Governor of such zone(s). m) Zone Meetings (October 2007) Each Lieutenant Governor shall be responsible for the conduct of a zone meeting in each quarter of the administrative year and notice of such meetings shall be sent to the President and Secretary of each Club in the zone not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. To avoid conflict, the dates for all zone meetings shall be established with the knowledge and approval of the Governor. (Additional zone meetings may be held at any time and may be held in conjunction with other District events such as District Board meetings, Conferences and/or District Convention). n) Working Language of the District (October 2007) The working language of this District is English. All materials will be supplied in English unless Optimist International can provide the materials in other languages. o) Fundraising (October 2007) Club fundraising shall not take place at any District Board meeting, Conference, Convention or any associated event. The District and Foundation shall have the option of running fundraising events. ARTICLE IX: NEW CLUBS (Aug 2013) a) New Club Charter Presentations (October 2007) Dates and Programs for the presentation events of New Clubs shall be established by joint action of the new club, the new club’s sponsor club, and the Governor or the Lieutenant-Governor of the zone in the Governor’s behalf. The Governor or his/her appointee shall present charters. In the event of a charter presentation occurring after the end of an administrative year in which the new Club was established, the then Immediate Past Governor shall have the prerogative of presenting the charter. b) Gifts to New Clubs (Aug 2013) The District Administration shall provide each Club with a complimentary Banner, Bell and Striker, purchased from Optimist International. (Account 170) |